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I am So Her! — Empowerment

In That Moment

Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

Lying in the hospital bed admiring the city view and losing all track of time with my thoughts drifting away. I could see her coming. It was the hospital nurse. My husband held my hand so tight. He stood so stoic and calm. His pain and grief stayed hidden in order to protect me from a reality that I did not see coming. He remained strong for the both of us. In that moment I felt safe. On June 19th 2023, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. In that very moment I felt like my life was shattered to pieces and being away from me. Everything I worked so...

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Am I the Problem?

Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

What's holding me back? I'm a fun girl who likes to hang out, meet new people, and explore the world. I don't have anything to prove, but I fell like it's hard to open up sometimes.  I have my own business, a great job, and an awesome family. What the hell is going on here? Am I the only one who feels this way? I am a private person, and with social media being one of my main resources for marketing it can be tough to gauge. I have lost much more than the average person throughout the years. So, opening myself...

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False Love

Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

Have you ever been in love only to find out that it came with strings? Well, yeah....I have too.  Everything in the relationship was so surreal at first. It really felt too good to be true, and honestly this was a feeling I haven't experienced in a longtime. He said and did all the right things at first. Then...BOOM! A monster started to appear. The abuse was suttle. He played on all of my vulnerabilites. We are dimished in "small" ways, like you don't clean right or cook everyday. You don't acknowledge their hard work, oh...and we're starting to gain a...

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My Body, My Choice.....I thought.

Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

It is unimaginable that my right to choose has been struck down by the United States Supreme Court! This decision will haunt the United States for generations to come and will set women back for decades from the progress we have made for equality.  My daughter and many young women have been told by the courts that equality comes with a price. What are we teaching our daugthers? That our live and choices don't matter? Unfortunately, this ruling will effect women of color and lower income households because they have less access to health care and limited financial resources. Although,...

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So Calming, Relaxing, and Therapeutic

Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

Some people write poetry, some people ride bikes, others may enjoy bird watching to relax. I on the other hand, enjoy gardening. I received a AeroGarden as a Christmas gift and it is absolutely amazing. This device allows you to plant pod kits of herbs and vegetables all year around!    There is nothing more wholesome than planting and watching it grow! The care, time, and evolution from seed to harvest is so fulfilling. The love that you have provided comes back to you ten fold. The best thing about this purpose, is that you can literally enjoy the fruits...

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