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Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

Thank you all for staying on this journey with me. When I first started, people did not have to tell me I would not make it. There actions spoke louder than words ever could. Yet, I remained focused and determined to make my business more than a social media post.  

With the support of God, family, and friends I can now say...I have sales! Although, I am not a millionaire, I am proud of each order I fulfill. 

Entrepreneurship is so much more than obtaining an LLC. It takes patience, building relationships, and failure to know what works for you and your business. To those of you with dreams and aspirations of becoming an entrepreneur, please take the time to educate yourself about the process.

Never be discouraged about the no's or any roadblocks you may have. Just have faith and believe in yourself! Your breakthrough will come through. Please keep in mind, for each door that closes just turn around and open the next. Talk to you soon!



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