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I Almost Lost Him!

Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

About two years ago, my family and I decided to attend church on Sunday for an Easter egg hunt as we normally have in previous years. When church is released on Easter, we always go over the Easter egg hunt rules due to the large crowd. Before we separate, we agree on a meeting spot just in case anyone gets lost.

The hunt was about to start soon, so the boys were separated into their own age group. I stayed with Jojo because he was about five years old at the time. All the parents were also given rules, but of course.....who listens to rules right? Well..I did. 

The whistle had blown and everyone including the parents took off into the field. Jojo let go of my hand and darted into the field too. When I noticed it was not just the kids running, I immediately started running yelling for Jojo to wait on me. By this time, there was a nice distance between us. I was watching him go further into the crowd until I could not see him anymore. It was like he vanished right before my eyes.

Almost 5 minutes later, the crowd started to dissolve and walk off the field. I was still running around yelling his name and there was no answer. My husband ran up to me and said, "What's wrong Tiff"! I replied, "Jojo..I don't see him". He started yelling his name too. I began to panic thinking I should have found him by now.

I could hear myself slowly mumbling a small cry inside. Then a church member walked up asking what was he wearing, then I knew it was serious. I could not remember anything. I just dropped to my knees crying out loud and screaming his name.

Then, I remembered our meeting spot. As I was sprinting over, I could see a small figure in the distance as others ran by. There was my Jojo standing with a sad face, with a small bag of Easter eggs. When I finally got to him the first thing he said was, "I didn't get that many eggs mom". I quickly picked him up and swung him around with a whole lot of hugs and kisses. He remembered and I completely lost it. 

I thought I had control but I did not. Yet, my son understood the situation and remembered what we said before all that chaos. 

Sometimes we have to trust our children to make the right decisions. Even when we may have our own doubts. Just pray! Have trust in them and be confident with your parenting. It may not be as bad as we expect. I thank God, he remembered! 



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