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I am So Her! — Students


Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

  Get out the wine, turn up the music and draw yourself a bath, its back to school time! Lol! Time for all the babies and their drama to be swept away by that big ole yellow bus. This is the time for our kids to get back into those books and off of tik tok. Have fun during this school year because it will go by quick. Too quick! Make a point of attending your childs school functions and also participate in school activities, as long as your schedule allows. Keep providing your kids with the tools to succeed...

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Are You Working From Home?

Posted by Tiffany Bowers on

I am truly blessed to be working from home while investing into my journey of entrepreneurship! When I wake up and get dressed for the day, I will put on just about anything just to walk downstairs to my office. Most of my day is spent in front of the computer, so it really doesn't take to much thought about what I am wearing for the day. This is one of the reasons why I am happy to invest into catering to women who has a similar lifestyle like my own. I have finally received my new lounge-wear set, and...

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